Colony ship


Title Dedication Date
Storm from the Shadows Always for Sharon. March 2009
The Apocalypse Troll For Ed Wells & Richard Maxwell -Two of the good ones it hurts to lose.Watch each other’s backs, guys. January 1999
The Excalibur Alternative For Bobbie and Sharon, my two favorite ladies. January 2002
The Shadow of Saganami For Anne McCaffrey,Because ideas, like dragons, fly,And you helped give mine wings. October 2004
The Shiva Option The authors would like to extend their sincere thanks to Fred Burton, war gamer and friend, who personally designed the entire Star Union of Crucis and not only made it live, but also gave us permission to steal…er, borrow it for our story.Thanks, Fred. February 2002
The Short Victorious War “What this country needs is a short, victorious War to stem the tide of revolution.”V.K. Plehve, Russian Minister of the Interior to General A.N. Kuropatkin, Minister of War, 200 Ante-Diaspora (1903 C.E.) , on the eve of the Russo-Japanese War “The belief in the possibility of a short decisive War appears to be one of the most ancient and dangerous of human illusions.”Robert Lynd (224-154 Ante-Diaspora) April 1994
The War God's Own For Clarence A. Weber, my father. A man who loved books and taught me to, as well.  I wish you were here to read this one like you promised. May 1998
Through Fiery Trials . January 2019
War of Honor For every adoptive parent who knows the true heart-hunger.God bless. October 2002
We Few This one’s for Gena and Lindsey,Without whom I would never havesurvived to get it written. April 2005