Do you have information about a fan club based in one of David Weber's worlds? Drop me a line at admin@davidweber.net if you would like to see your group listed on our page!
HMS Phantom is an Official Czech based Honorverse fan club with an international outreach. David Weber is one of our members as a First Space Lord. HMS Phantom was formed in 2008, but its founding members have been regularly promoting the Honorverse at conventions since 2006. Our main activities include organizing Honorverse blocks of programming at Czech conventions like Festival Fantazie, PragoFFest and Starcon. Among our other activities are creative cosplaying, live action exercises and the club has also adopted a Fishing Cat (Prionailurus viverrinus), an endangered species, in the Prague Zoo and has started a regular event called Bloodcon - a group blood donation in uniforms and other costumes designed to raise the awareness for the need of donating. You can visit our website here: www.hmsphantom.cz or contact us on hms.phantom.crew@gmail.com