Title | Posted |
June Thoughts | Jun 2011 |
May Thoughts | May 2011 |
April Thoughts | Apr 2011 |
March Thoughts | Mar 2011 |
February Thoughts | Feb 2011 |
January Thoughts | Jan 2011 |
December Thoughts | Dec 2010 |
November Thoughts | Nov 2010 |
October Thoughts | Oct 2010 |
September Thoughts | Sep 2010 |
Sharon's own personal corner of the Davidverse, where she can express her thoughts about family, care and feeding of an author, and life in general.
Hello Everyone,
I'm sorry that I have not been on the website very much lately...I will try to explain why. My beloved Mother passed away the day after Thanksgiving last year. (For everyone not in America, Thanksgiving is the 4th Thursday in November.) Black Friday will never mean the same thing to me. (This is the Friday that all the retail stores go into the "Black" for the first time in a year. It's the start of Christmas shopping.) We held her memorial about a week later. Then in December not only did we have Christmas but also Michael Paul's birthday...I guess really didn't have the time to grieve as I needed. This past year has been very hard for me to deal with. David and I did a lot of traveling so I still didn't seem to have the time to grieve. I just couldn't seem to get anything done. All in all, I just couldn't go online and be upbeat about anything, so I just stayed offline. I'm sorry if it seemed that I was ignoring everyone...
As I said David and I have had a busy time traveling...Everywhere from Virginia to London to San Diego. We met tons of great people. And we now have friends just about everywhere. If I had been in a better frame of mind it would have been a great year. I now have a new computer (my hard drive killed itself) so I have lost many email addys that I had. I hope that the people I had been in touch with will send me another email so that I can get them back into this new system. You guys know who you are...so please drop me a line.
I would also like to thank Gena for putting up the "thoughts", most of these I talked to Gena about and she would put them on the website for me. Gena has been a Godsend during those hard months. She took over so many things that I used to do during the last year so I could be with Mother...and she was soooo much better than I was I let her keep doing them... she shouldn't be so good at her job!
I think now I am ready to get back to life, so I hope to start answering your questions again. So it's up to you guys to send them this way! Thanks for all of your kind words of support and comfort over the last year!