Title | Posted |
White Haven's double-transit to Basilisk | Jun 2005 |
Shipkiller missile evasive maneuvers | Jun 2005 |
FTL fire control | Jun 2005 |
Fire control uplink flexibility | Dec 2004 |
Construction time for the first-flight <em>Harringtons</em> | Dec 2004 |
Erewhon's 'betrayal' of the Manticoran Alliance | Dec 2004 |
Fleet strengths as of 1905 PD | Dec 2004 |
Shipbuilding times | Dec 2004 |
Fleet strengths as of 1920 PD | Dec 2004 |
Effective intercept range for counter-missiles | Dec 2004 |
A collection of posts by David Weber containing background information for his stories, collected and generously made available Joe Buckley.
The Manticoran FTL com and, for that matter, gravitic sensors in general, do not function solely in normal-space. Or, to put it more precisely, they do not detect solely n-space phenomena. The grav pulses of an FTL com, like an impeller wedge, distort local n-space. They also produce an echo in hyper-space--a sort of ripple or cascade effect--which is what the gravitics actually detect and measure. In theory, any gravity field--even that of an itty-bitty meteor--produces the same sort of ripple or cascade; in practice, only a very powerful gravity field produces on which present-generations gravitics can detect and/or measure. A hyper footprint, on the other hand, is detectable at far greater distances than any impeller wedge simply because the "ripple" a starship produces as it actually enters or leaves hyper is much more of a roaring cataract. The real trick for the FTL com was developing the ability to produce finely controlled pulses (ripples), and the RMN has been steadily improving that ability.