Title | Posted |
Shipbuilding times | Dec 2004 |
Fleet strengths as of 1920 PD | Dec 2004 |
Erewhon's 'betrayal' of the Manticoran Alliance | Dec 2004 |
Fleet strengths as of 1905 PD | Dec 2004 |
Construction time for the first-flight <em>Harringtons</em> | Dec 2004 |
Fire control uplink flexibility | Dec 2004 |
FTL fire control | Jun 2005 |
Manpower's optimism in it's covert operations | Jun 2005 |
Planning for Manpower & Mesa | Jun 2005 |
Coast Guard equivalent | Jun 2005 |
A collection of posts by David Weber containing background information for his stories, collected and generously made available Joe Buckley.
To the nameless Fly who sent me the e-mail pointing out (a) that the Mesan spider-drive ships mounting the attack on Manticore couldn't possibly tank enough reaction mass for the mission and (b) that the flare of their fusion drives would completely negate any stealth advantages of the spider drive itself, I will simply say that the spider drive ships do not use reaction drives. The scout ships do use reaction thrusters to propel themselves out of the freighter bays in which they were transported to Manticore, but we've seen Honorverse impeller drive ships using reaction thrusters to maneuver lots of times before. In short, this is not going to be a case of Honor's tactics at Cerberus, although some of the same "blind spots" which afflicted General Chernock's units at Cerberus do have parallels in Manticore's preparedness. (And, no, one of those blind spots is not a failure to look for visual cues from little things like massed fusion thrusters.)