Title | Posted |
<em>The Great Vanishing Crucian Mystery</em> | Oct 2002 |
The Terran Federation - partial (high resolution - 157KB) | Oct 2002 |
ISW 4: The Arachnid War (1) (low resolution - 27KB) | Oct 2002 |
Mother's recall of surviving Battle Fleet units | Oct 2002 |
Upgrading <em>Dahak </em>to a hyperdrive | Oct 2002 |
Honor Harrington series timeline | Oct 2002 |
Naval refits | Oct 2002 |
Cover art | Nov 2002 |
Treecat intelligence I | Nov 2002 |
Why did Paul Tankersley accept Summervale's challenge? | Nov 2002 |
A collection of posts by David Weber containing background information for his stories, collected and generously made available Joe Buckley.
Who declares war on who?
This is one of those "I could tell you the answer, but then I'd have to kill you" questions. I think, however, you can take it as a given that the Star Empire definitely doesn't want to declare war on the Solarian League, and that the Solarian League would find it extraordinarily difficult to legally declare war on anyone.