
Title Posted
The pre-war importance of Basilisk Station Apr 2009
Elizabeth's new royal yacht, HMS <em>Duke of Cromarty</em> Apr 2009
Freighting LACs to the Talbott Quadrant Apr 2009
More on the sources of Manticoran wealth Apr 2009
With Apollo, do you really need armor any more? Apr 2009
The spillover effect from Manticore's Junction-created astrographic position Apr 2009
Shot weight vs shot size Apr 2009
Apollo fire control for light units Apr 2009
Overwhelming the RMN with light units Apr 2009
Why the Queen's Own exists Apr 2009


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Pearls of Weber

A collection of posts by David Weber containing background information for his stories, collected and generously made available Joe Buckley.

Order of Battle: The Siege of Earth

  • Series: Dahak
  • Date: November 28, 2004


Lt. Governor Horus:

BB Bolivia (destroyed)
BB Canada (destroyed)
BB Ireland (destroyed)
BB Izhmit (destroyed)
BB Nergal (heavily damaged)
BB Poland (destroyed)
BB Shirhan (destroyed)
113 X BB (destroyed)

~240 x CA (destroyed)

DD London (destroyed)
~409 X DD (destroyed)

Thousands of fighters (most destroyed)

(Technically, I suppose you should add 60-odd Asgerd- and Trosan-class planetoids, as well.)



Great Lord of Order Furtag:

Avenger (scout flag - destroyed)
War Hoof (destroyed)
Slayer (destroyed)
~1724 more units (destroyed)