Title | Posted |
"Beached" or <em>half pay</em> officers | Nov 2002 |
Cathy Montaigne's wealth | Jun 2005 |
Admiral Hemphil and <em>Fearless'</em> deployment | Aug 2004 |
Manticoran Admiralty | Nov 2002 |
Does the Manticoran Peerage allow Proxy Voting | Dec 2002 |
Manticoran Peerage seating | Nov 2002 |
Manticore's relationship with Beowulf | Dec 2005 |
Pre-war alliance strategy | Feb 2007 |
Power of the Manticoran Monarchy | Dec 2005 |
Why doesn't Elizabeth <em>pack</em> the Lords? | Dec 2002 |
A collection of posts by David Weber containing background information for his stories, collected and generously made available Joe Buckley.
Warlord Colin MacIntyre:
Utu Dahak (destroyed)
Manned units:
Asgerd Dahak Two (heavily damaged)
Asgerd Emperor Herdan (critically damaged)
Asgerd Empress Elantha (destroyed)
Asgerd Heka (damaged)
Asgerd Royal Birhat (destroyed)
9x AsgerdUnmanned units
11 x Asgerd
Great Lord Tharno:
Nest Protector (Great Visit flag - destroyed)
<1000 heavy units
~206360 similar units (destroyed)