
Title Posted
Artificial divisions within the SLN Mar 2004
The Battle of Farley's Crossing Mar 2004
<em>Gauntlet</em>'s weapons fit Mar 2004
Erewhon and the inertial compensator Apr 2004
Battleship and SD(P) comparisons Apr 2004
System control ships Apr 2004
Grav pulse comm post <em>Ashes of Victory</em> Apr 2004
Artificial intelligence and nanotechnology Apr 2004
Shipyard types Jun 2004
<em>Medusa-Bs</em> Jun 2004


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Pearls of Weber

A collection of posts by David Weber containing background information for his stories, collected and generously made available Joe Buckley.

Safehold Map

  • Series: Safehold
  • Date: July 22, 2009

One important point (besides the fact that there are a couple of minor spelling errors, mainly because of where I've been re-editing between books) -- This map is not complete. The areas where I've supplied detail are pretty much set in stone, although I reserve the right to make changes on anything which hasn't actually appeared in print (IN CASE of EMERGENCY: Break Tectonic Plate!), but I haven't fleshed out the entire world in story-telling detail at this time. I think what we're doing in BSRA is using an updated "world map" in the endpapers, very like the one in OAR, but then using full-page detail maps of Emerald, Chisholm, Corisande, etc, as section/chapter breaks. If you can zoom in tightly enough in some places, you'll actually see shoals and clear channels for some of the major ports indicated on the map, and more such detail will be added as time goes along.