Title | Posted |
Map of the planet Safehold (as of <em>By Schism Rent Asunder</em>) | May 2008 |
The Cherwell Convention's Equipment Clause | May 2008 |
White Haven's relief mission to Yeltsin | May 2008 |
Escort CLACs | May 2008 |
Capital ships and raiding defenses | May 2008 |
Status of the Solarian League Navy | Jun 2008 |
The League vs the Star Empire of Manticore: <em>Who declares war on who?</em> | Jun 2008 |
Misconceptions about Torch | Jun 2008 |
Point defense laser clusters | Jun 2008 |
More on the Keyhole platforms | Mar 2009 |
A collection of posts by David Weber containing background information for his stories, collected and generously made available Joe Buckley.
Most of the other issues you've raised vis-à-vis the Mesan pods are answered by two basic considerations. First, my comments about cee-fractional strikes were predicated on the [way?] the people wanted these things to come looking in at 80 or 90% of light-speed. The Mesan ships are down to only 20% of light-speed when they deploy their pods, which means that they're coming in at only somewhere around 60,000 KPS instead of 270,000 KPS. Moreover, they were specifically designed for this specific operation. You can think of it as the equivalent of the Japanese adapting their torpedoes for the Pearl Harbor attack so that they didn't drive as deep and bury themselves in the harbor mud when they were dropped. Each pod is equipped with specially designed ablative shielding which obviously wouldn't stand up to the erosion of weeks and weeks of .9 cee travel but is tough enough to survive this attack profile, especially since they're going to be given their long-range targeting information from pre-deployed sensor platforms. In other words, what needs to be protected is their relatively short-range sensors, not what they'd be using to [acquire] targets at long range for themselves.