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Costumes, Anyone? Nov 2009
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Torch of Freedom Nov 2009
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Baen Announcement

  • Series: General
  • Date: December 09, 2013

Hi everyone,

First, let me say what a wonderful weekend HonorCon was! Thank you all for a delightful convention.

Second, I'm writing to let you all know that Baen is going to have a group entry in the Dragon Con parade next year. The official announcement is on our Facebook page:

I know it's early, but people start working on their costumes pretty far in advance, so we wanted to give everyone as much notice as possible.

We're also planning a costume contest at the launch party Thursday evening for Islands of Rage and Hope (Book III of Black Tide Rising) by John Ringo, and A Call to Arms by Tim and David.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Laura Haywood-Cory
Associate Editor
Baen Books